232 Chapter 12: Programming
7312ENG.DOC CH 12 Programming, English Julie Hewlett Revised: 07/29/98 12:17 PM Printed: 05/19/99 9:02
AM Page 232 of 32
While While 8
5 5
Use While to test condition before the commands in the loop
are executed. While performs a block of commands WHILE
condition is true (non-zero). condition is frequently a
relational test (Chapter 2: Math Operations) and is tested
when While is encountered. End identifies the end of block.
When condition is false (zero), the program executes each
command following End. While instructions can be nested.
:While condition
:block (while condition is true)
Write a program named LOOP that increments two variables, I
and J, and displays the value of J when I6.
:While I<6
:Disp "J=",J
Repeat Repeat 8
6 6
Use Repeat to test condition after the commands in the loop
are executed. Repeat executes block UNTIL condition is true
(non-zero). It is similar to While, but condition is tested when
End is encountered; therefore, the group of commands is
always executed at least once. When condition is false (zero),
Repeat instructions can be nested.
:Repeat condition
:block (until condition is true)