44 Chapter 2: Math Operations
7302ENG.DOC CH2 Math Operations, English Julie Hewlett Revised: 07/29/98 11:58 AM Printed: 05/19/99 8:58
AM Page 44 of 32
The 1
NUM Menu
The 1 NUM (number) menu includes seven different math
1:abs( Calculates the absolute value of a real number,
list, or expression.
2:round( Rounds a real number, list, or expression.
3:iPart( Returns only the integer part of a result.
4:fPart( Returns only the fractional part of a result.
5:min( Returns the minimum of two real numbers, lists,
or expressions.
6:max( Returns the maximum of two real numbers, lists,
or expressions.
7:remainder( Returns the remainder resulting from the division
of two real numbers or lists.

abs( abs( 1


1 1

Returns the absolute value of a real number, expression, or
each element in a list. For an expression, the expression is
calculated and the absolute value of that result is returned.
Find the absolute value of M35.2.