60 Chapter 3: Fractions
7303ENG.DOC Ch 3 Fractions, English Julie Hewlett Revised: 07/29/98 12:00 PM Printed: 05/19/99 8:59 AM
Page 60 of 10
Fraction Modes
Two fraction modes exist on the calculator: Display Format
mode and Simplification mode.

Display Format Mode SettingsDisplay Format Mode Settings

The Display Format mode settings, A§bàc and bàc, determine
whether or not a fractional result is displayed as a mixed
number or a simple fraction. To select a mode setting, press
., highlight the setting with the cursor keys, and then
press b.
A§b/c Displays result as a mixed number, if applicable.
b/c Displays result as a simple fraction.
Add 4/5 + 8/5.

Simplification Mode SettingsSimplification Mode Settings

The Simplification mode settings, Autosimp and Mansimp,
determine whether or not a fractional result is simplified
In b/c mode
In A§b/c