Building with DSPLink
■Make sure LINUXKERNEL_INSTALL_DIR is defined as follows:
■Modify the following environment variable as needed to match the location of XDCtools on your Linux host. We recommend that XDCtools be installed in the /home/<useracct>/dvsdk_#_# directory, but you may have installed it elsewhere.
4)While in the same directory that contains Rules.make, use the following commands to build the DVSDK demo applications and put the resulting binaries on the target file system specified by EXEC_DIR.
host $ make clean
host $ make
host $ make install
5)You can test the rebuilt DVEVM software by booting your NFS file system and running the demos from the command line as described in Section 3.4.
4.7Building with DSPLink
The DSPLink build system now requires a GNU make version of 3.81 or greater. Currently, versions of GNU make that qualify are versions 3.81, 3.81beta1, 3.90, and 3.92. Red Hat Linux 3 and 4 usually have GNU make 3.80
To work around this, either install and build a version of make 3.81+ or use the make 3.81beta1 distributed with XDCtools. The 3.81beta1 version of make is located in XDC_TOOLS_DIR/gmake.
See the DSPLink documentation for further information about building.
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