Updating/Restoring the Bootloaders
A.5 Updating/Restoring the Bootloaders
The DM357 EVM board contains 2 GB of NAND flash memory. During the boot process 64 MB of NAND is used. After booting, 2 GB are used for the file system.
When the EVM board is reset, the ROM bootloader (RBL) executes, initializing the board and then loading a small program called UBL (User Bootloader) from NAND flash memory into internal memory for execution. UBL in turn loads the
Therefore, there are two bootloader images that need to be stored in the EVM's NAND flash memory: UBL and
If the
You can find UBL,
/home/<useracct>/dvsdk_#_#/PSP_#_#_#_#/bin/dm357 directory. Alternatively, the source code for the Bootloader components can be found in the /home/<useracct>/dvsdk_#_#/PSP_#_#_#_#/board_utilities directory.
For further information about upgrading and flashing, see the TI DaVinci
Technology Developers Wiki at http://wiki.davincidsp.com.
A.5.1 Updating U-Boot Using U-Boot
If the
1)After aborting the automatic boot sequence, assign an IP address to the EVM board using one of these methods:
■If you are on a standalone network or using a network cross cable to your workstation, you can assign a static IP address to the EVM as follows:
EVM # setenv ipaddr <static IP address>
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