Restoring the NAND Flash

7)Execute the following commands to mount the MMC/SD and NAND partitions and populate the YAFFS2 image:

EVM # mkdir /mnt/mmc

EVM # mkdir /mnt/nand

EVM # mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk0 /mnt/mmc/

EVM # flash_eraseall /dev/mtd0

EVM # mount -t yaffs2 /dev/mtdblock0 /mnt/nand/ EVM # cd /mnt/nand

EVM # tar xf /mnt/mmc/dm357_flash_image_#_#_#_#.tar EVM # cd

EVM # umount /mnt/nand

EVM # reboot

The first mount command assumes you have a VFAT partition. The tar command will take about a minute to run.

The filename of the dm357_flash_image_#_#_#_#.tar image will be in DOS 8.3 format if you are using a vfat filesystem. That is, dm357_fl.tar.

8)When the EVM comes up after rebooting from the previous steps, press Esc to get back to U-Boot prompt. You can now restore the out- of-the-box U-Boot environment variables as described in Section A.4.1.

Additional Procedures


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Image 63
Texas Instruments TMS320DM357 DVEVM v2.05 manual EVM # tar xf /mnt/mmc/dm357flashimage####.tar EVM # cd