Updating/Restoring the Bootloaders

A.5.2 Updating UBL and U-Boot Bootloaders Using an Emulator and CCStudio

If working U-Boot (or UBL) images are not present in flash, you will need to restore these images using Code Composer Studio (CCStudio) and an emulator. Follow these steps:

1)Find the NAND programmer utilities. The NAND Programmer binary (NANDWriter.out) is in /home/<useracct>/dvsdk_#_##/PSP_#_#_#_#/bin/dm357. Alternatively, the source for the NAND programmer utilities can be

extracted from your DVSDK installation at /home/<useracct>/dvsdk_#_##/PSP_#_#_#_#/board_utilities. Extract them onto a PC workstation that has CCStudio 3.3 (or higher) and an XDS560 or XDS510 emulator installed.

2)Configure CCStudio to connect to the DM357 EVM board using CCStudio Setup and the DM357 GEL files. The .ccs and .gel files are not included in the PSP package. You can download them from http://support.spectrumdigital.com/boards/evmdm357.

3)Connect an emulator to the EVM board's JTAG connector and power up the EVM board.

4)Open CCStudio and connect to the device (Alt+C).

5)Load the program NANDWriter.out and run it (F5).

6)Enter the full UBL path and file name for ubl_DM357_nand.bin in the dialog box.

7)Enter the full U-Boot path and file name for u-boot-1.2.0-dm357-nand.bin in the dialog box.

8)At the next two prompts, enter 0x82080000.

9)Wait until NAND programming is complete.

10)Cycle power on the EVM board and press any key on the EVM's monitor window to get the U-Boot prompt.

Additional Procedures


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Texas Instruments TMS320DM357 DVEVM v2.05 manual Updating/Restoring the Bootloaders