Replacing Damaged Hard Drives
If you are using RAID 1 or RAID 5, you can easily replace a damaged hard drive in the Thecus M3800 while keeping your data secure with the system’s automatic data recovery.
Hard Drive Damage
When a hard drive is damaged, LCM will display「RAID Damage」and system beeps.
Replacing a Hard Drive
To replace a hard disk drive in the M3800:
1.Remove the tray with the damaged hard disk.
2.Insert the hard disk tray then slide into the M3800 until it snaps into place.
3.The LED solid green when the HDD is accessed.
RAID Auto-Rebuild
When using RAID 1 or RAID 5 on the M3800, you can use the
1.When a hard disk fails the system beeps and/or an email notification is sent to specified receivers.
2.Check the log message to see which disk has failed.
3.Follow the steps mentioned above to replace the failed hard disk.
4.The system automatically recognizes the new hard disk and starts the
File System Check
The M3800 has a
WARNING The File System Check utility works only with WAN and not LAN.
1.Power off the M3800.
2.With the unit powered off, press and hold the reset button.
3.With the reset button held down, power on the system by pressing the power button. You can release the reset button after 3 seconds alone with 2 beeps. After that, the M3800's WAN IP address will be reset to temporarily. Please note that all file services at this time will be stopped.
4.When you point your browser to, you will see the following screen.