Intercom Operation

Monitoring a Room Using the Intercom

To monitor a room through the speakerphone of another sta- tion:

1Place an intercom call to telephone you wish to monitor.

2Press MUTE if you want to prevent sounds in your room from being heard at the monitored phone.

3To end monitoring, hang up the handset or press SPEAKER. The remote station will disconnect imme- diately.

Note: The remote phone must be set to Intercom HANDSFREE. (See page 54.)

To monitor sounds in another room, place an intercom call to a station that has been set to HANDSFREE

Press MUTE at your telephone to prevent sounds￿￿￿￿￿￿￿in your room￿￿￿￿￿￿￿from being transmitted￿￿￿￿

to the room you are monitoring

The Room Monitoring feature allows you to acti- vate the speakerphone of another station to monitor sounds in that room. This feature is especially useful in a nursery room or home office where there are children present.

The remote station must be set to INTERCOM HANDSFREE. When you call this phone on the intercom, its speakerphone activates and remains on, allowing you to hear sounds in that room until you hang up.

To prevent sounds in your room from being transmitted to the room you are monitoring, you must press MUTE on your phone.


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Image 66
TMC ET4000 manual Intercom Operation Monitoring a Room Using the Intercom, To the room you are monitoring