In which countries | The Webtalker 6000 has been approved in the following European Union Mem- |
has the Webtalker | ber States: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, |
6000 been approved? | France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, |
| Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, |
| The Netherlands, United Kingdom. Other countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, |
| Norway, Bulgaria, Faroe Island, Greenland, Romania and Switzerland. Coming |
| soon: Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. |
Can I use the | Yes, the Webtalker 6000 has a handsfree speakerphone, just as you can be the |
Webtalker as a | invited party on a Skype conference call. Webtalker 6000 can also manage a |
conference phone? | |
Is it safe to call via | Yes. All your Skype calls are encrypted, thus increasing the safety and protection |
Skype? | of personal information. |
Is it safe to have my | Yes. All your profile data and your contacts are located on a Skype Server, not on |
user data on the | your Webtalker. A digital signature, based on a public and a private key, protects |
Skype server? | all profile data. The public key is used to encrypt the data, allowing only the |
| person with the right key to make the data readable again. |
Can I make an | No. Skype does not allow emergency calls, but provided you have an active |
emergency call via | landline connection and your Webtalker is connected to the base station and the |
Skype? | base station is connected to the landline, you can route emergency calls via this |
| line. Please note that emergency calls can only be made when the base station is |
| connected to the power outlet and it is turned on. The phone cannot be used |
| during a power failure. |
Can I protect myself | Yes. You can always block certain persons from contacting you via Skype. You can |
against harassment | also prevent groups of persons from contacting you. |
via Skype? |
Can my Webtalker | Yes. You may configure a static IP address. |
use a static IP |
address? |
Can I call ordinary | Yes. However, this requires that your Skype account supports SkypeOut, a service |
phones and mobile | you can buy at www.skype.com. With SkypeOut you can call ordinary phones and |
phones via Skype? | mobile phones at very competitive prices. |
Can ordinary phones | Yes. However, this requires that your Skype account supports SkypeIn, a service |
and mobile phones | you can buy at www.skype.com. With SkypeIn you get an ordinary phone |
call me via Skype? | number that your contacts can call. |
Can I take my Webt- | Yes. Your Webtalker can be connected to the Internet anywhere with an active |
alker with me and | Internet connection. The landline connection will also be working in other |
use it in another | countries. |
country? |
What is the range of | The maximum distance between the handset and the base station depends on |
my Webtalker? | the environment you are working in. However, you should typically have a range |
| of some 50 metres indoors and 300 metres outdoors. |
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