6.Error Code (Cont.)
Error code Problem What to do
4030 No print enabler/invalid
or proof and private
printing is disabled.
Check if the Printer Kit is connected properly and inserted
securely. Or check if the trial period is expired.
4031 HDD full for printing Too many jobs of Private print and department code print are
stored in HDD.
4032 Private-print-only error Jobs other than Private print cannot be printed. Perform Private
4033 Printing data storing
limitation error
Printing with its data being stored to the HDD temporarily (Proof
print, Private print, Scheduled print, etc.) cannot be performed.
Perform normal printing.
4034 e-Filing storing limita-
tion error
Printing with its data being stored to the HDD (print and e-Filing,
print to e-Filing, etc.) cannot be performed. Perform normal
4035 Local file storing limita-
tion error
Network Fax or Internet Fax cannot be sent when “Local” is
selected for the destination of the file to save. Select “Remote”
(SMB/FTP) for the destination.
4036 User authentication
The user performing the printing has not been authenticated or
user-registered. Perform user authentication or user registra-
4040 No authority to exe-
cute a job
The user has not been assigned the role to perform this opera-
tion by the administrator.
4050 The connection with
the LDAP server or its
authority setting has
something wrong.
Ask your LDAP server administrator about it.
A221 Print job cancel Print job is canceled. Retry the print.
A222 Print Job power inter-
Power failure occurred. Retry the print.
A290 Limit over error Number of prints has exceeded the one specified with the
department code and user code at the same time. Clear the
limit counter.
A291 Limit over error Number of prints has exceeded the one specified with the user
code. Clear the limit counter.
A292 Limit over error Number of prints has exceeded the one specified with the
department code. Clear the limit counter.