4 Replacement Procedures 4.14 USB board, Bluetooth Card, FM card and Felica card
4-50 Satellite A300/Satellite Pro A300/EQUIUM A300/SATEGO A3000 Maintenance Manual
Installing the USB board, Bluetooth Card, FM card and Felica card
Install the USB board and Bluetooth card, FM card and Felica card according to the
following procedures and Figure 4-32.
Note: Be careful of the kill switch button for the USB board. It can be damaged when
installing the USB board. Make sure it is in the correct position.
1. Seat the FM card in the correct position and connect the FM card cable to CN19 on
the system board.
2. Seat the Bluetooth card in the correct position and connect the Bluetooth card cable to
CN18 on the system board.
3. Seat the Felica card in the correct position and connect the Felica card cable to CN14
on the system board.
4. Seat the USB cable in the correct position and connect the USB cable to CN16 on the
system board