TL-SL3428/TL-SL3452 JetStream L2 Managed Switch CLI Guide
Specify the storm control rate as 2Mbps for port5:
TL-SL3428(config)# interface fastEthernet 1/0/5
TL-SL3428(config-if)# storm-control rate 2m
bandwidth Description
The bandwidth command is used to configure the bandwidth limit for an
Ethernet port. To disable the bandwidth limit, please use no bandwidth
bandwidth { [ingress ingress-rate] [egress egress-rate] }
no bandwidth { all | ingress | egress }
ingress-rate ——Specify the bandwidth for receiving packets. Range: 1-102400
for the megaport, 1-1024000 for the gigaport.
egress-rate —— Specify the bandwidth for sending packets. Range:1-102400
for the megaport, 1-1024000 for the gigaport.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode (interface fastEthernet / interface range
fastEthernet / interface gigabitEthernet / interface range gigabitEthernet)
Configure the ingress-rate as 5120Kbps and egress-rate as 1024Kbps for Fast
Ethernet port 5:
TL-SL3428(config)#interface fastEthernet 1/0/5
TL-SL3428(config-if)#bandwidth ingress 5120 egress 1024
clear counters Description
The clear counters command is used to clear the statistic information of all the
Ethernet ports.