TL-SL3428/TL-SL3452 JetStream L2 Managed Switch CLI Guide
designated port, they can transit their states to forwarding rapidly to reduce the
unnecessary forward delay.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode (interface fastEthernet / interface range
fastEthernet / interface gigabitEthernet / interface range gigabitEthernet)
Enable the STP function of Fast Ethernet port 1, and configure the Port Priority
as 64, ExtPath Cost as 100, IntPath Cost as 100, and then enable Edge Port:
TL-SL3428(config)#interface fastEthernet 1/0/1
TL-SL3428(config-if)#spanning-tree common-config port-priority 64
ext-cost 100 int-cost 100 portfast enable point-to-point open
spanning-tree mode
The spanning-tree mode command is used to configure the STP mode of the
switch. To return to the default configurations, please use no spanning-tree
mode command.
spanning-tree mode {stp | rstp | mstp}
no spanning-tree mode
stp —— Spanning Tree Protocol, the default value.
rstp —— Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
mstp —— Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Configure the spanning-tree mode as “mstp”:
TL-SL3428(config)#spanning-tree mode mstp