TL-SL3428/TL-SL3452 JetStream L2 Managed Switch CLI Guide
dot1x port-method Description
The dot1x port-method command is used to configure the control type of IEEE
802.1X for the specified port. By default, the control type is “mac-based”. To
restore to the default configuration, please use no dot1x port-method
dot1x port-method { mac-based | port-based }
no dot1x port-method
mac-based | port-based ——The control type for the port.
mac-based: Any client connected to the port should pass the 802.1X
authentication for access.
port-based: All the clients connected to the port can access the network on the
condition that any one of the clients has passed the 802.1X Authentication.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode (interface fastEthernet / interface range
fastEthernet / interface gigabitEthernet / interface range gigabitEthernet)
Configure the Control Type for Gigabit Ethernet port 25 as “port-based”:
TL-SL3428(config)#interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/25
TL-SL3428(config-if)#dot1x port-method port-based
radius Description
The radius command is used to configure the parameters of radius.
radius { [auth-pri ip] [auth-sec ip] [auth-port port] [auth-key keyvalue]
[acct-pri ip] [acct-sec ip] [acct-port port] [acct-key keyvalue] [timeout value] }
no radius { auth-port | auth-key | acct-port | acct-key | timeout }