TL-SL3428/TL-SL3452 JetStream L2 Managed Switch CLI Guide
dot1x Description
The dot1x command is used to enable the IEEE 802.1X function for a specified
port. To disable the IEEE 802.1X function for a specified port, please use no
dot1x command.
no dot1x
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode (interface fastEthernet / interface range
fastEthernet / interface gigabitEthernet / interface range gigabitEthernet)
Enable the IEEE 802.1X function for the Fast Ethernet port 1:
TL-SL3428(config)#interface fastEthernet 1/0/1
dot1x guest-vlan(interface) Description
The dot1x guest-vlan command is used to enable the guest VLAN function for
a specified port. To disable the Guest VLAN function for a specified port, please
use no dot1x guest-vlan command. Please ensure that the Control Type of the
corresponding port is port-based before enabling the guest VLAN function for it.
dot1x guest-vlan
no dot1x guest-vlan
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode (interface fastEthernet / interface range
fastEthernet / interface gigabitEthernet / interface range gigabitEthernet)