Features and Benefits
Optional Features
• | Demand control ventilation |
| (energy saving CO2 economizer |
| control) |
• | Twinning of up to four units for |
•1.5”, 2.0”, 2.5”, or 3.0” water modulating valve with actuator and linkage
•External piping enclosure
•Blank Section Options
•Low and ultra low leak dampers
applications on common supply |
and return ducts |
• Variable frequency drive (VFD) |
control of supply/exhaust/return |
– | Four foot | |
– | Eight foot | Options |
| ||
| heating | – Filter rack only (no filters) |
fan motor |
Figure 4. Variable Frequency Drive
•Inlet guide vanes on airfoil supply fans (VAV only)
•Choose from three economizer control options: comparative enthalpy, reference enthalpy, dry bulb control
•LonTalk® Communication Interface module
•Generic BAS
•Remote Human Interface Panel (controls up to 4 units)
•Five ventilation override sequences
•High duct temperature thermostats
Chilled Water Cooling
• 2 to 8 row 5/8” OD chilled water |
coils |
• 80, 108, 144, and 168 fin spacing |
options |
• Galvanized steel coil casing |
• Header drain and vent |
•Single Point access doors on both sides of the unit
•Belt guards for supply and exhaust/return fans
•Burglar Bars on select configured units
•Airfoil plenum return fan— standard CFM
•Modulating plenum return fan with Statitrac™ direct space sensing building pressurization control
•Forward curved exhaust fan— standard and low CFM
•100 percent modulating exhaust
•100 percent modulating exhaust with Statitrac™ direct space sensing building pressurization control
•Outside air CFM compensation on VAV units with IGV (or VFD) and economizer
•The Trane air quality (Traq™) fresh air measurement damper system
•Final filters
–Bag filters
–Standard and high temperature cartridge filters
–Standard and high temperature HEPA filters
Heat Options
•Electric, gas, steam or hot water
•Gas heat options:
–10:1 Modulating Gas Heat 850
–20:1 Modulating Gas Heat 1100 and 1800 MBH
–10 year limited warranty on Modulating Gas Heat
•Unit Withstand Rating of 65000 Amp (480V) and 25000 Amp (600V)
•High efficiency totally enclosed
•Standard efficiency supply and exhaust/return fan motors
•Marine lights in serviceable compartments
•Electrical convenience outlet
•Through the door
| connections |
• | Fully drainable coils |
Figure 5. Traq Damper
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