Ping #0
Avg =
su <suid>
AP will poll the SU for SU’s current status and will provide information such as SU range from AP, signal strength received at SU from AP, SU temperature, etc.
Example: #> su 1
[ 1] pr [as] y [d] 0.0 [rssi at ap]
[ip] [subnet] [gateway] [mac] 00 01 DE 19 F0 A4
[hw ver] 0006 [fpga ver] 04042201 [fpga chksum] 47231EEE [fw ver] 1p0x8 [fw chksum] 6DDF232C [fw datecode] 04061502 [default channel and antenna] 1 h [active channel and antenna] 1 h [tx power] 23 dBm
[ch#1] 2405 [ch#2] 2415 [ch#3] 2425 [ch#4] 2435 [ch#5] 2445 [ch#6] 2455 [ch#7] 2465 [ch#8] 2475
[RF Tx Retry at AP] 0 [RF Tx Retry Maxed Out at AP] 0
[RF Tx Retry at SU] 0 [RF Tx Retry Maxed Out at SU] 0 Success.
su linktest <suid>
This command checks the integrity of the wireless link from the standpoint of performance (throughput) and
#> su linktest 1
[suid] 1 [pkt len] 1600 bytes [# of pkts per cycle] 100 [cycle] 10
0[AP Tx] 100 [AP Rx] 100 [AP RxErr] 0 [SU Tx] 100 [SU Rx] 100 [SU RxErr] 0 5
00 ms 5120 kbps
1 [AP Tx] 100 [AP Rx] 100 [AP RxErr] 0 [SU Tx] 100 [SU Rx] 100 [SU RxErr] 0 5 00 ms 5120 kbps
2 [AP Tx] 100 [AP Rx] 100 [AP RxErr] 0 [SU Tx] 100 [SU Rx] 100 [SU RxErr] 0 5 00 ms 5120 kbps
3 [AP Tx] 100 [AP Rx] 100 [AP RxErr] 0 [SU Tx] 100 [SU Rx] 100 [SU RxErr] 0 5 00 ms 5120 kbps
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