7. Detailed Description
7.4Description of safety features
General cut-off
The heater, the compressor and the circulation pump can be switched off by a relay built into the unit. This general cut- off will be activated if a malfunction is detected by the safety sensors.
When the general cut-off switch is activated, the circulator can only be restarted after the cause of the indicated fault has been eliminated. The display will show when this has occur- red. The circulator can then be re-started by pressing the Reset key.
Protection against over-heating
A built-in temperature limit switch protects against uncon- trolled heating of the bath liquid by activating the general cut-off if this limit is exceeded. (This safety device is indepen- dent of the control temperature sensor that regulates the set working temperature.)
The temperature cut-off limit is set on the dial at the rear of the circulator. This has a range of 20 to 95 °C. You should select a cut-off limit that is 5 to 10 °C above the set working temperature. If the temperature rises above this limit, the general cut off is activated and the following error message is
down to below the cut-off limit, the following code is
The built-in temperature limit switch also senses low levels of coolant. If the liquid level falls and exposes the heating ele- ment, the temperature will rise above the temperature limit cut-off level and the general cut-off will be activated. Top up with coolant to remedy this situation.
The same two error messages shown above will be displayed.
Restart the unit by pressing
(Regular topping up with the liquid coolant is recommended, See Section 4.1, Start-up.)