Lassen DR + GPS Reference Manual 98
The module can bench-test gyro performance. This test is similar to the gyro part
of the power-up ADC/gyro test.
The Gyro Bench Test starts immediately upon receipt of the set command 0x2F-
04. When the test is finished, it automatically reports the data in this message.
This information cannot be set or queried.
Table 74: 0x3F-04: Gyro Bench Test Report Message Byte Name Type Units /
LSB Range / Value Meaning
Code U8 0x3F
Subcode U8 0x04
0-3 ADC / gyro at rest U32 ADC counts
4-5 Samples at rest U16 1-6200 samples
6-7 Test Duration U16 1 s [1,60]
0x3F-06: Tacho/Reverse Production Test Data The Tacho/Reverse Production Test starts immediately upon receipt of the set
command 0x2F-06. When the test is finished, it automatically reports the data in
this message. This information cannot be set or queried.
Table 75: 0x3F-06: Tacho/Reverse Production Test Report Byte Name Type Units /
LSB Range / Value Meaning
Code U8 0x3F
Subcode U8 0x06
0 Tacho counts U32 Tacho Counts
4-5 Samples U16 4-600 samples
6-7 Changes in Direction
Switch Value
8-9 Samples U16 4-600 samples
10-11 Test Duration U16 1 s [1,60]