Lassen DR + GPS Reference Manual 83
This test is part of the factory testing. At the end of the test, the module outputs
diagnostic data in packet 0x3F-02.
There are two modes possible: automatic and manual. Automatic-control mode
sets the Time Interval between one and 3600 seconds. The test begins
immediately upon receipt of the set command and lasts until the end of the time
interval. Manual-control mode uses the set command with the Time Interval Data
field set to a large number (e.g., 3600) and then issuing an “Stop Immediately”
command when desired. This message cannot be queried. If a test is currently
running, this command will return an acknowledgment “contradicts current data”.
This test does not interfere with the normal functioning of the module. The test
collects statistics for a report at the end of the test.
Table 56: 0x2F-02: Data Positioning Collection Mode Control Byte Name Type Value Meaning
Code U8 0x2F
Subcode U8 0x02
0-1 Time Interval U16 0
[1, 3600]
Stop Immediately
Perform test for this interval (seconds)