Lassen DR + GPS Reference Manual 97
This replaces report 0x3F-02 starting with ROM 15.
The Data Positioning Collection Mode Test starts immediately upon receipt of the
set command 0x2F-02. When the test is finished, it automatically reports the data
in this message. This information cannot be set or queried.
Table 73: 0x3F-03:Data Positioning Collection Test Data Byte Name Type Units /
LSB Range /
Value Meaning
Code U8 0x3F
Subcode U8 0x03
0 0 Heading Valid before
U1 1 = valid
0 2 ZRO valid before motion U1 1 = valid
0 3 DPP valid before motion U1 1 = valid
0 4 Final Heading Valid U1 1 = valid
1-4 Pulses counted U32
5-6 Maximum Speed U16 1 cm/s
7-10 Total Distance U32 1 cm
11 DirSw transitions F→R U8
12 DirSw transitions R→F U8
13-14 Heading at ZRO cal U16 2-15 sc [0, 2) sc
15-16 DeltaHeading U16 2-15 sc [0, 2) sc
17-18 Final Heading U16 2-15 sc [0, 2) sc
19-20 Test Duration U16 1 s [1,3600]
21-22 Initial Heading after ZRO
U16 2-15 sc [0, 2) sc
23 0 2-D GPS fix U1 1 = 2-D fix failed
23 1 3-D GPS fix U1 1 = 3-D fix failed
23 2 GPS didn’t calibrate DR U1 1 = no GPS / DR cal
23 3 Almanac incomplete U1 1 = incomplete
23 4 GPS error status U1 1 = GPS error
24 Max SVs tracked U8
25 Max SNR U8 0.2 dB-Hz