Lassen DR + GPS Reference Manual 119
Some of these soft events are “informational”, and result from user action. Those
soft events that are generated internally.
The condition code has four states. For a single event, the condition status code
is zero. For a soft event condition, the condition code is defined in Error!
Reference source not found..
Table 94: Soft Event Condition Code Numeric Value Descriptions
0x00 Status unknown (backwards compatible to old software) or single event
0x10 Newly detected condition
0x20 Condition previously detected, still present
0x30 Condition newly cleared
As an example, when an antenna short condition is first detected, a soft event
with identity and condition codes (0x71, 0x10) is generated. Every second, when
the antenna fault detection is repeated, the soft event (0x17, 0x20) is generated.
When the condition is cleared and no fault is found, the soft event (0x17, 0x30) is
The soft event log resides at the beginning of the RAM area in a circular buffer
with 127 entries. The log records all single-event soft events and all changes in
soft event conditions, but does not record soft events with status code 0x2
(condition previously detected, still present). The log persists as long as there is
a battery-backup power. The log is erasable by user via a HIPPO command or by
the startup RAM test (cold start only). The host can retrieve logs at any time via
HIPPO query. Error! Reference source not found. shows the format of the log
entry for soft events:
Table 95: Format of Soft Event Log Entry Field Type Descriptions
Msec U32 Time tag in GPS milliseconds.
Week U16 Time tag in GPS week number.
Identity U8 Soft event identity code.
Condition U8 Soft event condition code.
Reserved U16