Lassen DR + GPS Reference Manual 62
The module issues this report only at startup. This report cannot be queried; to
query the data content after start-up, use message 0x16-02. The first two bytes
show the error code associated with the previous shutdown. The second two
bytes indicate health of the RTC and RAM.
Table 27: 0x12-01: Start-Up Report Message Byte / Bit Name Type Value Meaning
Code U8 0x12
Subcode U8 0x01 Parameter Subcode
0-1 Error Code U16 0
Normal shutdown (SW or power)
Abnormal shutdown (Error! Reference
source not found.)
2 Reserved U8
3 0 RAM Signature U1 1 = BBRAM signature valid
3 1 Gyro / ADC
U1 1 = ADC or Gyro self-test error
3 2 RTC Valid U1 1 = RTC valid at startup
3 3 Flash BBRAM U1 1 = BBRAM loaded from Flash
3 4-7 Reserved
This report indicates whether the module is currently in Monitor Mode or Normal
mode. If the device is in monitor mode, it will recognize and reply (in HIPPO) to a
HIPPO query for this report. If the device is in Monitor mode, it will also recognize
and reply (in HIPPO) to a HIPPO query for this report.
Table 28: 0x12-02: Software Mode Report Message Byte Name Type Value Meaning
Code U8 0x12
Subcode U8 0x02 Parameter Subcode
0 Mode U8 1
Normal Mode
Monitor Mode