Lassen DR + GPS Reference Manual 79
These reports contain the data structures describing the output interval for
automatic messages. Automatic outputs are controlled by thresholds and triggers
on three criteria: time, distance traveled, or heading change. A combination of
criteria can be set for each message, and different report message codes can
have different output controls. The number of message codes that can be chosen
for auto-output is limited to 16.
The message codes chosen for auto-report are stored in a table that contains the
values of time interval, distance traveled, and heading change since the last
report. These values are kept separately for each message code. The table is
scanned every time the gyro service routine is called (at 10 Hz or 5 Hz rate). For
each message code, the current values of time interval, distance traveled, and
heading change are differenced with the corresponding three table values. The
three differences are compared against the three corresponding thresholds for
that message code to determine whether an output is allowed. If so, the
differences are then compared to against the three corresponding triggers (if any)
to see if an output is required. If the message is output, the table values are
updated to the current values.
The logic for report output is as follows:
(Time interval > Tthresh) AND
(Distance traveled > Dthresh) AND
(Heading change > Hthresh) AND
(EVENT OR (Time interval > Ttrigger) OR (distance traveled > Dtrigger) OR (Heading
change > Htrigger))
Defaults are zero for all reports, except as specified in Error! Reference source
not found..