Lassen DR + GPS Reference Manual 116
Field Type Descriptions
Msec U32 Time tag in GPS milliseconds. (0xffffffff if not available)
Week U16 Time tag in GPS week number. (0xffff if not available)
Code U16 Event/error code.
Hard Reset means “Clear RAM and Reset SW”. The column “Ver”
indicates which ROM versions have this fatal error code feature.
Status U16 Status code associated with the event. 0 if not apply.
22 bytes
The last field holds information associated with type of error. It can be a stack
frame, a memory dump up to 22 bytes, or the program count for the address of
error. The following tables describe the format for each fatal error types.
Table 90: Block Format for Status Code 10xx Field Type Descriptions
Vector U8 Illegal vector number
PC U32 Program counter at fault
SP U32 Supervisor stack address
Table 91: Block Format for Status Code 12xx Field Type Descriptions
Soft value U32 Soft checksum or memory content.
Actual value U32 Data read from the target.
Address U32 Status code 1201 only.