Changing from Tone to Pulse Dialing
Phones can communicate with the telephone network in two ways: tone (DTMF) or pulse dialing. If you know your phone company uses pulse dialing or the test call for line 1 did not work, follow these steps:
1.With the phone in standby, press Menu.
2.Use Up or Down to highlight Global Setup, then press OK.
3.When your phone prompts you to select a line, press Line1.
4.Use Up or Down to highlight Dial Mode, then press Ok.
5.Highlight Pulse, then press OK. The phone sounds a confirmation tone. Try making another test call using line 1.
If your test call on line 2 did not connect, follow the same process, but press Line2 in step 3.
If you use pulse dialing and you need to send DTMF tones during a call (if you're using an automated response system, for example), press to temporarily switch to tone dialing. When the call ends, the phone automatically returns to pulse dialing mode.
Set Up the Accessory Handset(s)
If your phone came packaged with accessory handsets, follow the steps below to get your cordless handsets ready for use.
Install the battery
1. Unpack all handsets, battery packs, and battery covers. If any handset has the battery cover already attached, press in on
the notch and slide the cover down and off.
2. Line up
the battery pack connector with the jack inside the handset. (The
battery connector will only fit
one way.)
3. Push the battery pack connector in until it clicks into place. Tug gently on the wires to make sure the battery pack is securely connected.