Voice Commands Settings
1. From idle mode, press the Center S elect Key [MENU], select
Settings & Tools, then press the Center S elect Key [OK]. Press
Tools, Voice Commands.
2. Press the Right Soft Key [Setti ngs].
3. Select one of the following options:
Confirm Choices: Au tomatic/Always C onfirm/Neve r Confirm
Sensitivity: Mo re Sensitive/A utomatic/L ess Sensitive
Adapt Voice: Adapts digit dialing and name diali ng to your voice.
Prompts: Mode /Audio Playback
For Mode, set Prompts/Readout + Alerts/Readout /Tones Only.
For Audio Playback, set Speakerph one/Earpiece.
Info: Displays version information, etc.
The Calculator allows you to perform simple mathe matical
1. From idle mode, press the Center S elect Key [MENU], select
Settings & Tools, then press the Center S elect Key [OK]. Press
Tools, Calculator.
2. You can input arithmetic operators using the following keys.
Directional Key ( up: +
Directional Key & right: ×
Directional Key $ left: ÷
Directional Key down:
Center Select Key : =