All directions in this manual assume that Main Men u Settings are
set to Grid and Communicator, and Display Themes is set to
Polyhedral Rock, which are the default settings.
Replace Menu ItemsMain Menu items can be replaced only when Menu L ayout is set to
List or Grid.
1. From idle mode, press the Center S elect Key [MENU], select
Settings & Tools, then press the Center S elect Key [OK]. Press
Display Settings, M ain Menu Settings, Replace
Menu Items.
2. Select the item you want to replace, then press the Center Sele ct
Key [EDIT].
3. Select the item you want to replace it with, then press the Cente r
Select Key [SET].
4. Press the Left Soft Key [Done ].
Position Menu ItemsThe Position of Main Menu items can be changed only when Menu
Layout is set to List or Grid.
1. From idle mode, press the Center S elect Key [MENU], select
Settings & Tools, then press the Center S elect Key [OK]. Press
Display Settings, M ain Menu Settings, Posi tion
Menu Items.
2. Select the item you want to move, then press the Center Sele ct Key
3. If the current Main Menu Layout is List, press the Di rectional Key
" up or down to change the position of this item, then press t he
Center Select Key [SET].
If the current Main M enu Layout is Grid, press the Directional Key