Calibration: Calibrates the electronic compass.
Left Soft Key [Home]: Re turns to G’zGEAR™ Home menu.
The Earth Compass cannot be used wh ile the handset is being
When using the electronic compass, orient t he handset so its
keypad is horizontal. The direction measurement error increas es
when the keypad of the handset is tilted.
Any of the following actions can create accuracy issues with the
electronic compass. If any of these occur, perform the c alibration
as soon as possible.
Opening and closing the flip immediately after sta rting up the
electronic compass.
Using the handset near a strong magnet.
Leaving the handset for a long time in an area with extrem e
temperature change.
Allowing the handset to become magnetized.
To calibrate the electronic compass,
hold the handset firmly and move the
handset in the shape of a large figure
eight as shown in the illustration to the
right for about five seconds.
Calibrate the electronic compass with the handset op en before
using it with the handset open.
Calibrate the electronic compass with the handset clo sed before
using it with the handset closed.
The electronic compass uses the Earth’s magnet ic field to
determine direction. The direction readings produced by the
electronic compass can be different from actual c ompass
readings due to environment and temperature conditions.