The Recent Calls menu is a list of the last phone numbe rs or Contact
entries for calls (including PTT calls) you placed, accepted, m issed,
or blocked. It is continually updated as new numbers are added to
the beginning of the list and the oldest entries are removed fro m the
bottom of the list.
Accessing the Recent Calls submenu
1. From idle mode, press the Center Select Key [ME NU], select
Recent Calls, then press the Cente r Select Key [OK].
2. Select a submenu.
Missed: Displays a list of the 90 most recently missed calls .
Received: Displays a list of the 90 most recently received calls.
Dialed: Displays a list of the 90 most recently dialed calls.
Blocked*: Displays a list of the 90 most recently blocked calls.
All**: Displays a list of the 270 most recent calls.
View Timers: Displays the durat ion of selected calls.
If you select Blocked, enter the four-digit Lock Code, then press
the Center Select Key [OK]. The default Loc k Code is the last 4
digits of your phone number.
* Blocked appears only when Contacts Only o r Block All is
selected for Calls under MENU > Setting s & Tools > Phone
Settings > Security > Restrictions > Ca lls > Incoming Calls. For
information about how to configure this setting, se e page 145.
** Blocked calls are not displayed in the All Calls list.
Pressing the Send Key from idle mode takes you to the All Calls list .