3. Press Add New Contact.
4. Select the type of phone number you want to save, then pres s the
Center Select Key [OK].
Mobile 1/Mobil e 2/Home /Work
5. Scroll to the information field you want to enter. These fields
Name/Mob ile 1/Home /Work/Ema il 1/Group/ Picture/ Ringtone/
Mobile 2/I M Screen Name/ Email 2/S treet/Cit y/State /Zip Code/
To add the name, scroll to the Name field, then enter a name for
the contact (up to 32 characters).
To add the phone number, scroll to the Mobile 1, Home, Work,
or Mobile 2 field, then enter the phone nu mber (up to 48
To add an e-mail address, scroll to the Email 1 or Email 2 f ield,
then enter an e-mail address (up to 48 characters).
To add the Contact entry into a group, scroll to the Group field,
then press the Left Soft Key [Set ]. Select the Group, press the
Center Select Key [MARK], then p ress the Left Soft Key [Done ].
To assign the Picture ID, scroll to the Picture field, then press the
Left Soft Key [Set]. Select a picture, then press the Center Select
Key [OK].
To assign the call ringtone, scroll to the Ringtone field, then
press the Left Soft Key [Set]. S elect a ringtone, then press the
Center Select Key [OK].
To add the IM Screen Name, scroll to the IM Screen Name field,
then press the Left Soft Key [Set ]. Select a service provider, then
press the Center Select Key [OK]. Enter the IM S creen Name,
then press the Center Select Key [OK].
To add a street address, scroll to the Street, City, Sta te, Zip
Code, or Country field then enter the street, city, state, zip code,
or country.