Vertical Communications DXP Series, FX Series Conferencing Calls, Conferencing Stations Together

Models: DXP Series FX Series DXP Plus Series

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GCA70–258Conferencing Calls


Conferencing Calls


7.1Conferencing Stations Together

To set up a conference call that includes any combination of outside lines and intercom parties,

1.Make first call.

2.Press TRANSFER/CONFERENCE (this places the on hold).

3.Select next line and make next call.

4.Press TRANSFER/CONFERENCE to establish conference.

5.Repeat the last three procedures to add up to two more parties for a 5-party conference (including yourself) when using the DXP system.

NOTE: When using a DXP Plus system, you can have up to seven parties (including yourself) on a conference call.

To retrieve a line from hold and bring that party into the conference,


2.Press line button.


NOTE: If all conference circuits are busy, you will not be able to add a party to the conference. The message “Conference Full” will appear in your display.

LCD Speakerphone Station User's Guide 7 – 1

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Vertical Communications DXP Series, FX Series, DXP Plus Series manual Conferencing Calls, Conferencing Stations Together