8.20 Senddata (capability.nuart > 0)
Note: This request requires Viewer privileges.
Method: GET/POST
com | 1 | ~ <max. com port | The target COM/RS485 port number. |
| number> |
| |
| |
data | <hex decimal | The <hex decimal data> is a series of digits from 0 ~ 9, A ~ F. | |
| data>[,<hex decimal | Each comma separates the commands by 200 milliseconds. | |
| data>] |
| |
| |
flush | yes,no | yes: Receive data buffer of the COM port will be cleared before | |
| read. |
| no: Do not clear the receive data buffer. |
wait | 1 | ~ 65535 | Wait time in milliseconds before read data. |
read | 1 | ~ 128 | The data length in bytes to read. The read data will be in the |
| return page. |
HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
<hex decimal data>\r\n
Where hexadecimal data is digits from 0 ~ 9, A ~ F.
186 - User's Manual