Report Sections and Consolidated Sections
Report sections
There are two basic types of Report sections:
•Summary — The sections that rank data by bandwidth or connections.
•Detailed — The sections that show all traffic and events with no summary graph or rank. A list of the different types of the report sections and the consolidated sections is shown below:
Firebox Statistics
A summary of the statistics on one or more log files for one Firebox.
Authentication Detail
A list of authenticated users in the sequence of connection time. The text boxes include:
-Authenticated user
-Start date and start time of the authenticated session
-End time of the authenticated session
-Length of the session
Time Summary — Packet Filtered
A table, and an optional graph, of all the accepted connections that is divided by user- defined intervals and time. The default time interval is each day, but you can select a different time interval.
Host Summary — Packet Filtered
A table, and an optional graph, of the internal and the external hosts that send packet- filtered traffic through the Firebox. The hosts show in the sequence of the volume of bytes or the number of connections.
Service Summary
A table, and an optional graph, of the traffic for each service in the sequence of the connection count.
Session Summary — Packet Filtered
A table, and an optional graph, of the top incoming and outgoing sessions. The sessions show in the sequence of the volume of bytes or the number of connections. The format of the session is: client > server: service. Historical Reports tries to look up the server port with a table to show the service name. If this does not work, Historical Reports shows the port number.
Time Summary — Proxied Traffic
A table, and an optional graph, of all the accepted connections divided by
Host Summary — Proxied Traffic
A table, and an optional graph, of the internal and the external hosts that send traffic with a proxy through the Firebox. The hosts show in the sequence of the volume of bytes or the number of connections.
Proxy Summary
The proxies in the sequence of bandwidth or connections.
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