xiv WatchGuard Firebox SOHO 6.1
Disable the HTTP proxy setting of your Web
browser ............................................................14
Enable your computer for DHCP .............................16
Physically connect the SOHO 6 ..............................18
Cabling the SOHO 6 for one to four appliances .......19
Cabling the SOHO 6 for more than four computers .20
CHAPTER 3 SOHO 6 Basics ...........................................23
The SOHO 6 Home Page—System Status .............. 23
Default Factory Settings ..........................................25
Reset a SOHO 6 to factory default ..........................26
The base model SOHO 6 .......................................27
Register your SOHO 6 and Activate the
LiveSecurity Service ............................................27
Reboot the SOHO 6 ...............................................28
CHAPTER 4 Configure the Network Interfaces ........... 31
Configure Your External Network ...........................31
Network addressing ...............................................31
Configure the SOHO 6 External Network for dynamic
addressing ........................................................32
Configure the SOHO 6 External Network for static
addressing ........................................................33
Configure the SOHO 6 External Network for PPPoE .34
Configure the Trusted Network ..............................36
Configure DHCP Server and DHCP Relay ................ 36
Configure additional computers on the Trusted
Network ...........................................................38
Configure the Trusted Network with static addresses 39
Configure Static Routes ..........................................40
View Network Statistics ........................................... 42