User Guide 77
Set up Logging to a WatchGuard Security Event Processor Log Host
To have your log messages synchronize with your computer:
• Click Sync Time with Browser now.
The SOHO 6 synchronizes the time at startup.
Set up Logging to a WatchGuard Security Event Processor Log Host
The WSEP (WatchGuard Security Event Processor) is an
application available with the WatchGuard Firebox System
software used by a Firebox II/III. The WSEP application runs on a
dedicated log host and records log messages generated by the
Firebox II/III. If you have a Firebox II/III and have configured the
WSEP to accept logs from your SOHO 6, then follow these
instructions to send your event logs to the WSEP.
1With your Web browser, go to the System Status page using the
Trusted IP address of the SOHO6.
For example, if using the default IP address, go to:
2 From the navigation bar on the left side, select
Logging => WSEP Logging.