2.Unit Description
2.1. Front Panel
Figure 2.1: Front Panel (Not to Scale)
ÀON Indicator: Lights when power is applied to the unit.
ÁRDY: Flashes to indicate that the unit is ready to receive calls or enter the Command Mode.
ÂPASS: Lights when a caller has entered a valid password and has been allowed to access the connected device.
ÃDCD: Lights when DCD is high at the Modem Port.
ÄRXD: Lights when RXD is high at the serial Modem Port.
ÅTXD: Lights when TXD is high at the serial Modem Port.
ÆRTS: Lights when RTS is high at the serial Modem Port.
ÇCTS: Lights when CTS is high at the serial Modem Port.
ÈDTR: Lights when DTR is high at the serial Modem Port.
•Normally, the DTR signal must be high in order for the modem to communicate with the secure device. If the DTR signal is low, the
•When the Ignore DTR option (See Section 5.3) is enabled, the