
Detection Results


Measuring some distant corner where no one would be listening, or close to a room boundary such as a wall or floor, is actually counterproductive. It will compromise the quality of the resulting room correction.

A minimum of three measurements must be taken before the applicaton will allow you to move on to the next step. Up to 32 measurements may be taken, although most rooms can be characterized quite well with 7-10 measurements (depending on the size of the listening area).

The measurement process takes several minutes depending on the number of channels MultEQ Pro will have to measure. It is essential to accurate room cor- rection, and it actually goes quite quickly. Think of it: in a 7.3 channel system, using ten listening positions, one thousand measurements are being made. (Ten speakers, times ten locations, times ten chirps per speaker is 1000 measure- ments.) This is far more data than any human technician could master, and allows the SC-1 to do a far better job of ascertaining what problems are most characteristic of the room (rather than idiosyncratic to a single microphone loca- tion).

Click the forward (right-pointing) triangle to move to the next screen after you are satisfied that you have made all the relevant measurements.

This screen displays the speaker Distance and Trim results derived from your Po- sition 1 measurement and the recommended Crossover derived from all of your position measurements. MultEQ® Pro lists individual speaker crossovers.

You must manually enter the information on this screen into the preamplifier/processor’s settings.

Speaker Type indicates the approximate size of the detected loudspeaker as de- termined by its native in-room bass response.


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Wisdom Wands SC-1 owner manual Detection Results