
Voltage and MPPT Requirements

MPPT operational

The MPPT software maximizes the output energy of solar arrays as long as the


operating voltage is within the MPPT operational window. Ensure that the PV


array used in the system operates within the MPPT operational window.


Effects of array voltages outside of the MPPT operational window are shown in


Table 2-1.






Table 2-1MPPT Operational Window






Effect of Array Voltage


Inverter Mode











< 195 Vdc


Operating voltage will be shifted to 195 Vdc;


Low power




the array will not be at its maximum power










195 to 550 Vdc


Maximum harvest of solar energy


MPPT window


550 to 600 Vdc


Will not allow maximum harvest of solar


Power derating








> 600


Will shut down and may cause damage to the






inverter; stops selling surplus energy




The maximum power point voltage of a string connected to the GT Inverter should


be a minimum of 195 Vdc. If it is less than 195 Vdc, the inverter will continue to


operate, but it will regulate the PV voltage to 195 V. Because the array will not be


operating at its maximum power point, this may result in lower than expected


energy harvest.





Maximum PV

The solar array should be sized such that its maximum power output does not


exceed the limits of the MPPT operational window (195 to 550 Vdc). See


“Guidelines for Matching PV Array Size to Xantrex Grid Tie Solar Inverter







The array voltage should never exceed 600 VOC (open circuit voltage) under any thermal condition.

Likewise, ensure that the Isc (short circuit current) rating of the array at any temperature does not exceed the short circuit current rating of the inverter.

