Performing General Maintenance

Other Factors

Other factors that contribute to system losses are:

Dust or dirt on the array

Fog or smog

Mismatched PV array modules, with slight inconsistencies in performance from one module to another.

Inverter efficiency

Wire losses

For additional information and technical notes concerning PV array performance, please visit our Web site at

Performing General Maintenance

Follow these simple routines to ensure many years of service and optimal performance of your solar energy system.

1. Keep the heat sink clear of dust and debris.

WARNING: Shock and fire hazard

Do not use a pressure washer to clean the GT Inverter, or use other cleaning methods that could allow water to enter the unit.

2.Clean the PV array with flowing water whenever it is visibly dirty, during a cool time of the day.

3.Periodically inspect the system to make sure that all wiring and supports are securely in place.

4.On a sunny day near noon on March 21 and September 21 of each year, review the output of the system and compare it with the previous year’s reading. Maintain a log of system performance readings so that you can recognize when system performance becomes inconsistent.

