Replace screws (two on each side)
Rain Shield
Factors Affecting Sun Tie XR Performance
This section describes several factors that will affect the amount of power that a properly installed and operating Sun Tie XR can produce.
PV Array FactorsPV array ratings | PV arrays are rated at ideal factory conditions, such as specified |
| illumination (1000 W/m2), spectrum of the light and specified |
| temperature (25 °C/77 °F), which seldom reflect |
| This is called the STC (Standard Test Condition) rating and is the figure |
| that appears on the PV module nameplate label. |
Expected | Because of several unavoidable environmental factors, you can expect |
performance | your PV array to produce around 60% to 70% of its peak |
| output for a properly designed and installed PV system. |