Troubleshooting Reference Table

Troubleshooting Reference Table





Inverter CPU does not

PVGFP, AC or DC breakers

Turn on breakers in the sequence described in the

illuminate the red or

are switched off.

operation section.

green LEDs and does

No AC grid or DC array

Check AC connections and ensure 240 VAC is

not operate in sufficient


voltage is present.

present at the inverter’s AC disconnect. Check

or the display reads “AC


DC connections and ensure 50–125 VDC is

Mains Not Present” or


present on the inverter’s disconnect.

the VDC reading is 0.

20 amp fuses on combiner

Install combiner board fuses. Check PV array for



board are missing or open.

short circuits or improper sizing for the 20 amp







The inverter CPU only

The inverter does not

Ensure the inverter AC disconnect is switched

illuminates the red LED.

recognize any AC input

on. Check the AC voltage at the inverter and

The green LED never


ensure AC voltage is present. Check source of

illuminates in a flashing


the AC voltage.

or solid mode,


Check the DC voltage on the positive and

or the display reads “AC

Inverter does not recognize

Mains Not Present” or

the appropriate DC signal.

negative input terminals. The DC voltage must

the VDC reading is 0.


be 50 volts or greater open circuit to initiate



inverter operation. Check for incorrectly wired



PV arrays or try again on a day with brighter



sunlight intensity.




The inverter illuminates

The inverter recognizes the

Check the AC voltage and frequency with a

the red LED upon

AC grid is present, but grid

multimeter/frequency meter. Wait for grid power

startup and goes into a

voltage or frequency are not

to return to acceptable voltage and/or frequency.

flashing green mode.

within the appropriate

Notify the utility company that the voltage or

The flashing green LED


frequency is outside of the appropriate

continues for over 5



minutes and never



illuminates solid.






The inverter CPU

The inverter recognizes the

Check the DC input voltage at the inverter’s

illuminates a solid green

AC grid and DC array

positive and negative input terminals. The PV

LED momentarily, then

voltages and attempts to

array is not producing enough power. Wait for

flashes a red LED.

start selling power. The PV

sunlight intensity to increase and ensure the


panels are not producing

panels produce sufficient voltage for inverter


sufficient power for the



inverter to operate at a



stable DC voltage.





