Chapter 3: Quickstart Example Design
Timing model Standard Delay File.
Xilinx map report.
Xilinx place and route report.
Xilinx timing analysis report.
The script file starts from an EDIF/NGC file and results in a bitstream file. It is possible to use the Xilinx ISE GUI to implement the example design. However, the GUI flow is not presented in this document.
Directory Structure and File Contents
The Endpoint Block Plus for PCIe example design directories and their associated files are defined in the sections that follow. Click a directory name to go to the desired directory and its associated files.
Example Design
<project directory>
<project directory>/<component name>
Core release notes readme file
<component name>/doc
Product documentation
<component name>/example_design
Verilog or VHDL design files
<component name>/implement
Implementation script files
Results directory, created after implementation scripts are run, and contains implement script results
<component name>/simulation
Simulation scripts
Simulation files
Functional simulation files
Test command files
Note: For the dual core example design directory structure and file contents, see “Dual Core Directory Structure and File Contents,” page 26.
20 | www.xilinx.com | Endpoint Block Plus v1.8 for PCI Express |
| UG343 June 27, 2008 |