142 Appendix: Parameter Lists
01V96i—Reference Manual
ST REVERBTwo input, two output stereo reverb.
M.BAND DYNA.Two input, two output 3-band dynamics processor,
with individual solo and gain reduction metering for
each band.
Comp276/Comp276SThis emulates the characteristics of an analog com-
pressor that has become a st andard item in rec ording
studios. It thickens the sound, and is particularly
suitable for drum and bass sounds. Comp276 lets
you control two monaural channels independently.
Comp276S links the L/R channel parameters for
Comp260/Comp260SThis emulates the characteristics of a compres-
sor/limiter of the mid-1970s that has now become a
standard item for live sound reinforcement.
Comp260 lets you control two monaural channels
independently. Comb260S links the L/R channel
parameters for control.
Parameter Range Description
REV TIME 0.3–99.0 s Reverb time
REV TYPE Hall, Room, Stage,
Plate Reverb type
INI. DLY 0.0–100.0 ms Initial delay before reverb begins
HI. RATIO 0.1–1.0 High-frequency reverb time ratio
LO. RATIO 0.1–2.4 Low-frequency reverb time ratio
DIFF. 0–10 Reverb diffusion (left–right
reverb spread)
DENSITY 0–100% Reverb density
E/R BAL. 0–100%
Balance of early reflections and
reverb (0% = all reverb, 100% =
all early reflections)
21.2Hz–8.00 kHz High-pass filter cutoff frequency
LPF 50.0 Hz–16.0 kHz,
THRU Low-pass filter cutoff frequency
Parameter Range Description
LOW GAIN –96.0 to +12.0dB Low band level
MID GAIN –96.0 to +12.0 dB Mid band level
HI. GAIN –96.0 to +12.0 dB High band level
PRESENCE –10 to +10
For positive values, the threshold
of the high band is lowered and
the threshold of the low band is
increased. For negative values,
the opposite will occur. When set
to 0, all three bands are affected
the same
CMP. THRE 24.0 to 0.0 dB Compressor threshold
CMP. RAT 1:1 to 20:1 Compressor ratio
CMP. ATK 0–120ms Compressor attack
CMP. REL 1Compressor release time
CMP. KNEE 0–5 Compressor knee
LOOKUP 0.0–100.0ms Lookup delay
CMP. BYP OFF, ON Compressor bypass
L–M XOVR 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz Low/mid crossover frequency
M–H XOVR 21.2Hz–8.00 kHz Mid/high crossover frequency
SLOPE –6 to –12 dB Filter slope
CEILING –6.0 to 0.0 dB,
Specifies the maximum output
EXP. THRE –54.0 to –24.0 dB Expander threshold
EXP. RAT 1:1 to :1 Expander ratio
1. 6 ms–46.0 s (fs=44.1 kHz), 5 ms–42.3 s (fs=48 kHz), 3 ms–23.0 s
(fs=88.2kHz), 3 ms–21.1 s (fs=96 kHz)
Expander release time
EXP. BYP OFF, ON Expander bypass
LIM. THRE –12.0 to 0.0 dB Limiter threshold
LIM. ATK 0–120 ms Limiter attack
LIM. REL 1Limiter release time
LIM. BYP OFF, ON Limiter bypass
LIM. KNEE 0–5 Limiter knee
SOLO LOW OFF, ON If this is on, only the low-fre-
quency band will be output
SOLO MID OFF, ON If this is on, only the mid-fre-
quency band will be output
HIGH OFF, ON If this is on, only the high-fre-
quency band will be output
Parameter Range Description
INPUT –180 to 0 dB Adjusts the input level
OUTPUT –180 to 0 dB Adjusts the output gain
ATTACK 0.022 to 50.40ms Adjusts the attack time
RELEASE 10.88 to 544.22ms Adjusts the release time
RATIO 2:1, 4:1, 8:1, 12:1,
20:1 Adjusts the ratio
If this is on, the output gain will
automatically be compensated
to make up for gain reduction
applied by the compressor
If this is on, the compressor
effect in the low-frequency
range will be reduced, thus
boosting the low-frequency out-
GR meter ON, OFF
This shows the amount of gain
reduction when the compressor
is operating
Parameter Range Description
THRE. –60.0 to 0.0 dB Adjusts the threshold
ATTACK 0.010 to 80.00 ms Adjusts the attack time
RELEASE 6.2 to 999.0 ms Adjusts the release time
RATIO 1.0 to Adjusts the ratio
HARD Adjusts the knee
ST LINK ON, OFF If this is on, CH1 and C H2 will be
OUTPUT –20.0 to 40.0 dB Adjusts the output gain
GR meter
This shows the amount of gain
reduction when the compressor
is operating
This shows the effect’s input
level or output level. Use the
METER: [IN][OUT] switches to
choose which level is shown