182 Appendix: MIDI
01V96i—Reference Manual
*1)0:CH1 – 31:CH32, 32:ST-IN1L - 39:ST-IN4R, 128:BUS1 – 135:BUS8,
256:AUX1 – 263:AUX8, 512:STEREO
Use 256 if the recall destination or store source is a single data item.
Effect is 0:Effect 1–3:Effect 4
If the store destination is 16383 (0x3FFF), this indicates that the li-
brary data has been changed by a external cause (such as bulk re-
(only transmitted by the 01V96i)
*2)Varies with the firmware version. Parameter change (Function call: title)Reception
When this is received, the title of the specified memory/library will be changed.
If this is received from Studio Manager or Cascade Link, the operation will be
executed, and then the result of execution will be transmitted as a parameter re-
In response to a request, this is transmitted with the device number set to the
[Tx CH].
When the title is changed on the 01V96i, this message will be transmitted with
the device number set to [Tx CH].
*1) Varies with the firmware version. Parameter request (Function call: title)Reception
When this is received, a parameter change will be transmitted with the device
number set to [Rx CH].
Refer to the above table for the Functions and Numbers. Parameter change (Function call: Scene/Library Clear)Reception
When this is received, the specified memory/library will be cleared. If this is re-
ceived from Studio Manager or Cascade Link, the operation will be executed,
and then the result of execution will be transmitted as a parameter response.
When a memory or library is cle ared on the 01V96i , this message wil l be trans-
mitted with the device number set to [Tx CH].
*1) Varies with the firmware version. Parameter change (Function call: attribute)Reception
This is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the
device number included in the SUB STATUS. This is echoed if [Parameter
change ECHO] is ON.
When this is received, the attribute of the specified memory/library will be
In response to a request, a Parameter Change message will be transmitted on the
[Rx CH].
If [Parameter change ECHO] is ON, this message will be retransmitted without
change. Parameter request (Function call: attribute)Reception
This is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the
device number included in the SUB STATUS. This is echoed if [Parameter
change ECHO] is ON.
When this is received, a Parameter Change message will be transmitted on the
[Rx CH].
function number channel*1) tx/rx
SCENE RECALL 0x00 0-99, 8192 256 tx/rx
EQ LIB RECALL 0x01 1-200, 8192 0-513 tx/rx
GATE LIB RECALL 0x02 1-128, 8192 0-95 tx/rx
COMP LIB RECALL 0x03 1-128, 819 2 0-513 tx/rx
EFF LIB RECALL 0x04 1-128, 8192 0-3 tx/rx
CHANNEL LIB RECALL 0x06 0-128, 8192 0-513 tx/rx
INPATCH LIB RECALL 0x07 0-32, 8192 256 tx/rx
OUTPATCH LIB RECALL 0x08 0-32, 8192 256 tx/rx
SCENE STORE 0x20 1-99 256, 16383 tx/rx
EQ LIB STORE 0x21 41-200 0-513, 16383 tx/rx
GATE LIB STORE 0x22 5-128 0-31, 16383 tx/rx
COMP LIB STORE 0x23 37-128 0-513, 16383 tx/rx
EFF LIB STORE 0x24 xx(*2)-128 0-3, 16383 tx/rx
CHANNEL LIB STORE 0x26 1-128 0-513, 16383 tx/rx
INPATCH LIB STORE 0x27 1-32 256, 16383 tx/rx
OUTPATCH LIB STORE 0x28 1-32 256, 16383 tx/rx
STATUS 11110000 F0 System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43 Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1n n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E MODEL ID (digital mixer)
MODEL ID 01111111 7F Universal
ADDRESS 00010000 10 Function call
0100ffff 4f title
0mmmmmmm mh number High
0mmmmmmm ml number Low
DATA 0ddddddd dd title 1
0ddddddd dd title x(depend on the library)
EOX 11110111 F7 End of exclusive
function number size
SCENE LIB TITLE 0x40 0-99,256(0:response only) 16
EQ LIB TITLE 0x41 1-200(1-40:response only) 16
GATE LIB TITLE 0x42 1-128(1-4:response only) 16
COMP LIB TITLE 0x43 1-128(1-36:response only) 16
EFF LIB TITLE 0x44 1-128(1-xx(*1):response only) 16
CHANNEL LIB TITLE 0x46 0-128(0:response only) 16
INPATCH LIB TITLE 0x47 0-32(0:response only) 16
OUTPATCH LIB TITLE 0x48 0-32(0:response only) 16
STATUS 11110000 F0 System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43 Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0011nnnn 3n n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E MODEL ID (digital mixer)
MODEL ID 01111111 7F Universal
ADDRESS 00010000 10 Function call
0100ffff 4f title
0mmmmmmm mh number High
0mmmmmmm ml number Low
EOX 11110111 F7 End of exclusive
STATUS 11110000 F0 System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43 Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1n n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E MODEL ID (digital mixer)
MODEL ID 01111111 7F Universal
ADDRESS 00010000 10 Function call
0110ffff 6f clear function
0mmmmmmm mh number High
0mmmmmmm ml number Low
EOX 11110111 F7 End of exclusive
function number
EQ LIB CLEAR 0x61 41-200
GATE LIB CLEAR 0x62 5-128
COMP LIB CLEAR 0x63 37-128
EFF LIB CLEAR 0x64 xx-128 (*1)
STATUS 11110000 F0 System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43 Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1n n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E MODEL ID (digital mixer)
MODEL ID 01111111 7F Universal
ADDRESS 00010100 14 Function call
0000ffff 0f attribute
0mmmmmmm mh number High
0mmmmmmm ml number Low
DATA 0ttttttt tt attribute(protect:0x0001, normal:0x0000)
0ttttttt tt
EOX 11110111 F7 End of exclusive
function number
SCENE LIB ATTRIBUTE 0x00 0-99(0:response only)