Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router







Domain Name

Enter the domain name (if you know it) here. If you leave this field


blank, the ISP may assign a domain name via DHCP. You can go to



menu 24.8 and type "sys domainname" to see the current domain



name used by your gateway.



If you want to clear this field just press the [SPACE BAR]. The domain



name entered by you is given priority over the ISP assigned domain








Edit Dynamic DNS

Press the [SPACE BAR] to select Yes or No (default). Select Yes to



configure Menu 1.1 — Configure Dynamic DNS (discussed next).


Route IP

Set this field to Yes to enable or No to disable IP routing. You must



enable IP routing for Internet access.



Turn on/off bridging for protocols not supported (for example, SNA) or



not turned on in the previous Route IP field. Select Yes to turn



bridging on; select No to turn bridging off.


3.5.3 Procedure to Configure Dynamic DNS

If you have a private WAN IP address, then you cannot use Dynamic DNS.

Step 1. To configure Dynamic DNS, go to Menu 1 — General Setup and select Yes in the Edit

Dynamic DNS field. Press [ENTER] to display Menu 1.1— Configure Dynamic DNS as

shown next.

Menu 1.1 - Configure Dynamic DNS

Service Provider = WWW.DynDNS.ORG

Active= Yes


EMAIL= mail@mailserver

USER= username

Password= *********

Enable Wildcard= No

Press ENTER to confirm or ESC to cancel:

Figure 3-6 Configure Dynamic DNS

Follow the instructions in the next table to configure Dynamic DNS parameters.


Initial Setup