ES-2108 Series User’s Guide

Figure 130 CPU VLAN Configuration and Activation Example

ras (config)# vlan 3

ras (config-vlan)# inactive

29.4 Global VLAN1Q Tagged VLAN Configuration Commands

This section shows you how to configure and monitor the IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN.

29.4.1 GARP Status


show garp

This command shows the switch’s GARP timer settings, including the join, leave and leave all timers.

An example is shown next.

Figure 131 GARP STATUS Command Example

ras # show garp GARP Timer


Join Timer = 200

Leave Timer = 600 Leave All Timer = 10000 ras#

29.4.2 GARP Timer


garp join <msec> leave <msec> leaveall <msec>


join <msec> = This sets the duration of the Join Period timer for GVRP in milliseconds. Each port has a Join Period timer. The allowed Join Time range is between 100 and 32767 milliseconds; the default is 200 milliseconds.

Chapter 29 IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN Commands