ES-2108 Series User’s Guide

8.5 Static VLAN

Use a static VLAN to decide whether an incoming frame on a port should be

sent to a VLAN group as normal depends on its VLAN tag.

sent to a group whether it has a VLAN tag or not.

blocked from a VLAN group regardless of its VLAN tag.

You can also tag all outgoing frames (that were previously untagged) from a port with the specified VID.

8.5.1 Static VLAN Status

Click Advanced Application, VLAN from the navigation panel to display the VLAN Status screen as shown next.

Figure 34 VLAN: VLAN Status

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 14 VLAN: VLAN Status





The Number of

This is the number of VLANs configured on the switch.




This is the VLAN index number.




This is the VLAN identification number that was configured in the VLAN Setup



Port Number

This column displays the ports that are participating in a VLAN. A tagged port is


marked as T, an untagged port is marked as U and ports not participating in a VLAN


are marked as “.

Elapsed Time

This field shows how long it has been since a normal VLAN was registered or a static


VLAN was set up.


This field shows how this VLAN was added to the switch; dynamically using GVRP or


statically, that is, added as a permanent entry.

Poll Interval(s)

The text box displays how often (in seconds) this screen refreshes. You may change


the refresh interval by typing a new number in the text box and then clicking Set




Chapter 8 VLAN