IES 1248 Support Notes
Scenario Description:
Scenario C is for all clients can surf Internet or public resource when dividing multiple subnets for the same structure from scenario B. In this scenario, there are 3 subnets match to 3 VLANs to let network administrator manage VLAN more expediently: subnet for VLAN 10; subnet for VLAN 20; subnet for VLAN 30. In order to control traffic routing between different subnets, we put a layer 3 switch (ES4024/ES4024A/GS4024) on basement. The configuration of switch A and switch B are the same as scenario B, only switch C need more configurations in this network environment.
How to configure this scenario:
1. For Switch A on Floor 2:
Please enter VLAN setting under Advanced Application menu and click “static VLAN” to bring up the following screen, adding VLAN 10: port 3, fixed, untag;
port 23, fixed, Tx tagging”.
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